In web development, frontend frameworks are essential tools that help developers create responsive and visually appealing websites efficiently. Thus choosing the right framework while developing a website is very important. You should be choosing a framework that best suits your needs for the website. Bootstrap and Foundation are two of the most popular frontend frameworks available today which are being widely used by frontend engineers nowadays. We have done detailed comparison of Bootstrap and Foundation so that you can choose the right framework as per your needs.

What are Frontend Frameworks?

In simpler terms we can say that the Frontend Frameworks are the pre-built libraries containing different templates which are standard to be used. Frontend frameworks are collections of pre-written HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that provide developers with a structure for building web applications. They offer components, utilities, and guidelines that streamline the development process, ensuring consistency and responsiveness across different devices. Thus instead of writing the full code front end developers can use a code library for various templates.

Bootstrap vs. Foundation


Bootstrap is an open-source frontend framework developed by Twitter. It is known for its extensive library of components, ease of use, and strong community support.

Key Features of Bootstrap :

  • Grid System: A 12-column responsive grid layout. This grid layout extensively helps Web Developers make a responsive website system.
  • Components: Includes buttons, forms, modals, navigation bars, and more. These components are the part of library of components which can easily be imported in the website to be directly used in creating a theme or template.
  • Customization: Easily customizable with Sass variables and mixins.
  • Responsive Design: Built to work seamlessly on all devices.
  • JavaScript Plugins: Includes a variety of jQuery plugins for added functionality.


Foundation is the framework developed by ZURB which is a more powerful and features oriented framework flexible frontend framework. It is known for its advanced features and focus on accessibility. Thus as compared to Bootstrap, Foundation framework is more features oriented.

Key Features:

  • Grid System: A flexible and customizable grid system.
  • Components: Offers a wide range of UI components.
  • Sass Mixins: Highly customizable with Sass mixins and variables.
  • Responsive Design: Optimized for all devices, including mobile-first design.
  • Accessibility: Strong emphasis on accessibility and semantic HTML.

How to install Bootstrap and Foundation frameworks in your project and import the libraries & components :

For Bootstrap framework :

1. Include Bootstrap in Your Project:

First Method -> Via CDN: Add the following link in the <head> section of your HTML file:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>

Second Method -> Via NPM: Run npm install bootstrap to add Bootstrap to your project.

2. Set Up the Grid System:

Create a responsive layout using Bootstrap’s grid classes:

<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">Column 1</div>
<div class="col-md-6">Column 2</div>

3. Add Components:

Use Bootstrap components like buttons and navbars:

<button class="btn btn-primary">Primary Button</button>
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Navbar</a>

For Foundation framework :

1. Including Foundation in Your Project:

First Method: Via CDN: Add the following link in the <head> section of your HTML file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

Via NPM: Run npm install foundation-sites to add Foundation to your project.

2.Set Up the Grid System:

Create a responsive layout using Foundation’s grid classes:

<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-x grid-padding-x">
<div class="cell medium-6">Column 1</div>
<div class="cell medium-6">Column 2</div>

Add Components:

Use Foundation components like buttons and menus:

<button class="button">Primary Button</button>
<ul class="menu">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About</a></li>

UrbanMojo’s Interesting facts about Frontend Networks

Bootstrap was originally named Twitter Blueprint.

Foundation is known for powering sites like eBay and Adobe.

Bootstrap has more stars on GitHub than any other CSS framework.

Foundation was the first responsive framework to introduce mobile-first design principles.

Bootstrap is used by over 12 million websites, including large enterprises and startups.

Our Team has prepared a comparison table on Bootstrap vs. Foundation Framework for your reference :

Nerdy Comparison Table: Bootstrap vs. Foundation Framework

Current Iterationv5.xv6.x
Documentation CodexExtensive (Noob-friendly)Detailed (Advanced-user oriented)
Grid System12-Column Flexbox MatrixFlexible Grid with Float & Flex Options
Customization AlchemySass Variables & MixinsUltra Customizable Sass Magic
Component ArsenalMega Component Library (Buttons, Modals, Navbars, etc.)Epic Component Range with Flexibility Focus
Responsive SorceryMobile-First Design, Responsive UtilitiesMobile-First Enchantment, Advanced Media Queries
JavaScript WizardryjQuery Plugins GaloreJavaScript Plugins with Flexibility Charms
Ease of MasteryHigh (Padawan-friendly)Medium (Jedi Training Required)
Community FellowshipMassive & Active Nerd HerdSmaller but Hardcore Geek Squad
Accessibility EnchantmentBasic ARIA Roles & AttributesPotent Accessibility Spells & Semantic HTML
Performance MetricsOptimized for Warp SpeedOptimized with Hyperdrive Focus
Browser CompatibilityModern Browsers, IE 10+Modern Browsers, IE 10+
PreprocessorSass (Stylus of Styles)Sass (Stylus of Customization)
Geek Popularity IndexOver 9000!Pretty High
Legendary UsersLinkedIn, Twitter, SpotifyeBay, Adobe, ZURB Projects
Click here to view the full Bootstrap framework Documentation
Click here to view the full Foundation Framework Documentation

Both Bootstrap and Foundation are powerful, feature-rich frontend frameworks that can help streamline web development. If you have any questions or suggestions write them in comment box.


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